We specialise in CNC precision machining of metal alloys, composites and industrial plastics, as well as welding, for the production of parts for a wide range of industrial applications, with project development and assembly if required.
Nasza firma spełnia wymagania jakości normy PN-EN 1090-1 dotyczące spawania materiałów metalowych oraz posiada certyfikat zarządzania jakością w spawalnictwie ISO 3834-2
Nasi spawacze posiadają uprawnienia do spawania takimi metodami jak:
MAG 135 – spawanie elektrodą metalową w osłonie gazów aktywnych
MAG 136 – spawanie łukowe w osłonie gazu aktywnego drutem proszkowym
MAG 138 – spawanie elektrodą topliwą w osłonie gazu aktywnego drutem proszkowym o rdzeniu metalicznym
SAW 121 - spawanie łukiem krytym pod topnikiem
Spawamy metodami:
MAG: Spawanie łukowe elektrodą topliwą w osłonie gazów aktywnych
SAW: Spawanie łukiem krytym
We have been specializing in welding of construction for marine and other products used in the maritime sector for years. Structures manufactured for the maritime sector are of high quality and in accordance with the international standards. We have produced machines called scrubbers – fume scrubbers used in maritime industry and many other products customized according to our customers’ projects.
We manufacture high quality steel constructions for marine in accordance with the international standards: ISO 3834-2, EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3, Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C401 and ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2004.
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), commonly known as MIG welding, is a welding process where an electric arc forms between a consumable electrode and the workpiece, generating the necessary heat for welding. The electrode, continuously fed as a solid wire, melts and forms the weld metal as it is consumed. The welding area is protected from atmospheric contamination by shielding gases or gas mixtures from the welding torch, ensuring high-quality welds by preventing defects caused by even minimal air exposure.
maximale Wärmebehandlungstemperatur 950 °C 6 geregelte Wärmezonen
Isoliertes Gittergehäuse
Abmessung innen:(LxBxH) 1.700 x 1.300 x 1.000 mm
Leistung:70 kW
A new generation of bright welding wires
With the development of WDI PLATINARC, we have succeeded in combining the good properties of copper-plated and non-copper-plated welding wires.
The Platinarc welding consumables are characterised by therefore by:
Low contact tip wear
Best wire feeding properties
Minimal silicate precipitation in the weld sea
Low splash formation
Low copper content in welding fumes
Stable electric arc
Zgrzewanie punktowe to jeden z rodzajów zgrzewania, które polega na łączeniu elementów w kilku punktach, gdzie tworzy się określona liczba zgrzein (zwykle między jedną, a trzema). W Marxam Project świadczymy kompleksowe usługi zgrzewania oporowego dla firm z każdej branży. Nasza szeroka oferta gwarantuje, że cały swój projekt wykonasz w jednym miejscu. Skorzystaj z naszych usług i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami.
Zgrzewanie punktowe to metoda zgrzewania oporowego, która często wykorzystywana jest w różnych sektorach z uwagi na tworzenie trwałych połączeń wysokiej jakości. Marxam Project oferuje usługi zgrzewania punktowego blach od momentu naszego powstania w 2006 roku. Nasze bogate doświadczenie i pomocna kadra to gwarancja wyboru optymalnych parametrów dla tego procesu, a przez to zapewnienie najwyższej jakości produktu końcowego. Wybierz Marxam Project jako swojego partnera zgrzewania punktowego!
Notre nouvelle génération de 2 têtes de soudage compactes et refroidies au gaz, optimisées d'un point de vue technique, dans un nouveau design, adaptées pour les petits diamètres nominaux et avec leviers de serrage. Les têtes ont été conçues avec une poignée étroite en cas d’espace particulièrement réduit.
Notre nouvelle génération de 3 têtes de soudage refroidies OSK SW, encore plus étroites, optimisées d'un point de vue technique et dans un nouveau design. Pour des sollicitations thermiques très élevées, nous fournissons également des têtes de soudage refroidies au gaz de la série S dans le modèle SW refroidi à l’eau (la largeur reste identique).
Tête de soudage \ Plage d’application mm \ Pouces \ Poids
OSK 53 S + SW \ DA 6 - 53 mm \ 0,250" - 2,087" \ 2,1 kg
OSK 76 S + SW \ DA 6 - 76,2 mm \ 0,250" - 3,000" \ 2,6 kg
OSK 115 S + SW \ DA 9,53 - 114,3 mm \ 0,375" - 4,500" \ 3,4 kg
OSK 170 GW \ DA 50 - 168,3 mm \ 1,969" - 6,626" \ 7,5 kg
Pneumatic movement.
Zero welding for colour profiles and normal welding.
Welding between 30º and 180º.
Automatic start and end of cycle.
Digital adjustment of welding time
Digital adjustment of welding temperature.
Temperature adjustment from 0º C to 350 º C thanks to the electronic thermostat.
Right to left profile support.
Puissant et compact, idéal pour le soudage MIG
Le Pouvoirtec 305C a été conçu autour du besoin de satisfaire la demande de nos clients en soudeurs MIG compacts robustes et robustes.
Construit comme un véritable outil polyvalent, idéal pour les applications de tôlerie fine et les travaux de construction légers à moyens .
Excellentes performances de démarrage.
Boutons de tension à plusieurs niveaux pour un réglage précis.
Excellent système d'entraînement avec rouleau de transmission
Le système de rétroaction électronique sur le galet d'entraînement assure une vitesse d'alimentation en fil constante.
Équipé de roues de grand diamètre, d'une barre de poussée/traction et d'anneaux de levage pour une maniabilité totale.
Conforme aux normes IEC974-1, ROHS et CE pour la sécurité et la fiabilité.
Type de produit:Machine à souder
Processus MIG:25A
Tension secteur:K14055-1:400/3/50-60
Facteur de fonctionnement:250 A/26,5 V à 35 %
Vitesse d'alimentation du fil:230/400
Dimensions (HxLxL mm):1,0-20
Processus de fil fourré:30-300
Classe de protection/isolation:IP23/H
Manuel d'instructions:IM3021
positionner, centrer & serrer des pièces métalliques, interrogation des pièces - Dispositif d'agrafage pour les travaux de soudure
■ positionner, centrer & serrer des pièces métalliques, avec fonction d'interrogation des pièces
La solution adaptée individuellement est basée sur les spécifications du client
Spawanie stali czarnej MIG/MAG, Grubość do 40mm
We specialize in metal joining services. The welding offer is aimed at both private customers and entrepreneurs who want to obtain the highest quality welded joints. Our employees have the necessary certificates confirming their authorization to perform this type of service.
Our offer includes, among others:
aluminum welding ,
welding of stainless steel materials,
welding of carbon steel and cast iron using MAG, MIG and TIG methods,
coated electrode welding (MMA).
We also use other methods. We approach each order with great commitment and make every effort to fully satisfy the Client. We use modern devices that allow welding of heavy and massive structures made of various types of steel. We have appropriately adapted welding stations and an overhead crane, thanks to which we can connect large and heavy elements.
We provide cnc Turning parts with a high precision and speed according to drawings requests. We design and process pieces in a unique quantity but also in series with high precision. ( steel, stainless steel , aluminium, Pom C, PEHD, PEEK)
Tubi di precisione trafilati a freddo in acciaio inox per cilindri oleodinamici - Tubi di precisione trafilati a freddo senza saldatura per cilindri oleodinamici in conformità alla norma EN10305-1
Acciaio inox AISI 304/304L e 316/316L
Alesati/rullati/levigati ISO H8
In lunghezze commerciali 5-10 m o tagliati a misura
Lunghezze commerciali:5-10 m
L’attenzione al dettaglio che fa la differenza
La Meroni F.lli ha un reparto di produzione con presse sia meccaniche, a doppio montante e oleodinamiche, al fine di garantire il risultato più idoneo per ciascuna tipologia di prodotto. Il parco macchine di questo reparto è compreso fra le 40 e le 400 tonnellate, consentendo la lavorazione di diversi metalli e diversi spessori.
Meroni F.lli mantiene da decenni un alto livello produttivo ed un’eccellente qualità dei suoi manufatti metallici, grazie al continuo aggiornamento delle tecniche di lavorazione e delle tecnologie impiegate.
Presse meccaniche a doppio montante, oleodinamiche consentono di operare con stampi trancio e piega tradizionali, progressivi, e per imbutitura, garantendo il massimo della qualità e dell’efficienza.
Il nostro team ha prima il compito di comprende le esigenze del cliente ed è con lui che collabora per ideare la soluzione migliore al fine di ottenere il prodotto finito o semilavorato desiderato.
Our company specializes in the production of welded metal constructions tailored to customer requirements. The materials we use include steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. Our processes incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as laser cutting, CNC sheet metal bending, robotic welding, and robotic grinding.
In collaboration with our partners, we also address surface finishing solutions, including powder coating, hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating, pickling, and passivation. We take pride in the quality and precision of our products, ensured by these technological innovations. With our focus on technological advancement, we are capable of meeting even the most demanding requirements of our customers.
High quality, productive longitudinal seam welding calls for the utilisation of advanced, superior technology. This enables us to us to protect and expand our market position despite increasingly fierce competition. Our ELENA® longitudinal seam welders provide unsurpassed technology for welding of longitudinal metallic seams.
Typ of material: Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Galvanized steel, Platium, Stainless steel, Steel:Sheet Metal thickness: min :0,15mm max: 10,00 mm
Welding Process: MIG/MAG, Plasma, TIG, Plasma Keyhole :max. welding length: 0 - 500 mm, 2000 - 4100 mm
Francke-art posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w obróbce na gorąco stali i metali. Oferujemy m.in. usługi spawania oraz kucia małych i średnich konstrukcji i elementów stalowych, gięcie rur i profili.
Nos systèmes d'aspirations des fumées de soudure est appropriée pour l'aspiration continue lors des travaux de soudage utilisant des aciers non alliés et des métaux précieux, du matériel zingué et de l'aluminium lors d’une forte production de fumée. Son degré de séparation est de ≥ 99 %.
Pendant le dépoussiérage, la cartouche reste dans l’unité pour que les poussières ne parviennent pas dans l’espace de travail.
- Schutz gegen Strahlung beim Lichtbogenschweißen,
- Gefährdungsfaktor < 1
- Flexibel an wechselnde Schweißsituationen anpassbar
- Umfassender Schutz als Einzelwand
- Ideal auch als Kombination mehrerer Wände
- 4 Rollen ø100mm, davon 2 gebremst
- Einfach zu montieren
- Für fast alle Schweißarbeitsplätze einsetzbar
Technische Details:
- Rahmen-Mittelteil: 2100mm (B) x 1950mm (H)
- 2 Stück Ausleger: je 800mm (L)
- Gesamtbreite: 3700mm
- Langlebige Lamellen in bewährter Transtac Qualität:
300mm (B) x 1300mm (L) x 2mm
- Lamellenüberlappung 33% = 50mm
- Bodenfreiheit: ca. 600mm
- verfügbar als Schweißer-Schutzwand (DIN EN ISO 25980) in den Farben
rotorange (T40), rotbraun (T50), eurogrün (T55) und dunkelgrün matt (T75M)
- verfügbar als Schutzwand (z.B. als Schleiferschutzwand) in der Farbe glasklar (T0)
The core of the Rotoweld technology is its unique vision-based penetration control system. It enables any operator to perform high-quality girth welds after just a few hours of training.
Like the welder’s eyes and hands, the system continuously analyzes the image of the root weld pool picked up by a video camera integrated into the welding arm. Unique algorithms use this information to adjust welding parameters, such as travel speed, wire feed rate, arc voltage, or weaving width.
This constantly adapts the process to varying conditions, such as changes in the gap, alignment, root face, or temperature. The computer’s fast reaction time means the machine can work at high deposition rates and travel speeds at which weld pool conditions are too critical to be sustained by hand.
Diameter capacity:75mm - 1065mm
Pipe stand capacity:4535kg
Daily productivity capacity:150 dia inch per day
Our team of qualified welders can weld large components and also highly complex small parts of steel.
Welding methods:
- MIG-MAG and TIG (WIG).
- We own a workshop hall of 6.000 sqm.
- With cranes capacity of up to 50 tones.
- Stress relieving treatment - Thermal or Vibrations.
We ensure all of our products meet the highest standards through rigorous quality checks:
- Penetrating liquids, magnetic powders, or ultrasonic tests, if needed.
- Geometrical control in place with laser tracking.
We take a broad view of tooling rustless steel, including welding corrosion resistant steel.
We complete orders for welding acid-resistant steel with the MIG, MAG, TIG methods on time and at the highest quality.We use professional devices by KEMPPI. Our team are the best professionals with proper welding licences!
We cooperate with a firm dealing with supervision of welding. Thus, our customers avoid investing in expensive devices and making room for welding stainless steel.
We meet 100% expectations of our customers both with the aesthetics of welds in rustless steel of various thickness, shape and use.